Christmas never fails to be an extremely time of year. Between the shopping, the wrapping, the crowds, traveling to family, it can be a little overwhelming at times. I know that's not what the holiday is all about, but it always ends up that way. I've no doubt that's how it will be for the rest of our lives too. The perfectionist I try to be at times, always wants the best for her kids. But who wouldn't want to do all that you could for two sweet little boys?!
So this year, our big gift we bought for them was a play set. I shopped around what seemed like forever and ended up with a very decent priced set from Once found what we were looking for, I stalked that website like no tomorrow. Good thing though, because we ended up purchasing it for $200 less than it's original price, and we couldn't be happier with it. The boys both love it and it's so nice having that access directly in your backyard. We spend a lot of time outside anyway, so this was just perfect not only for the boys...
Christmas this year was SO much fun! Both Spencer and Cameron had the best time opening gifts and swimming in a sea of toys. Just not sure where to house them all yet. We're thinking of moving the boys into their own mother in law suite in the back since they come equipped with so much stuff.
Kidding, of course.
This will be a whole other post, but since Christmas is over, I am now focusing on Operation Spencer and Cameron Room AND Operation Play Room. In the next few months, the boys will be sharing a room and Cam's nursery will turn into a play room. So stay tuned :)
Here are a few of my favorites from Christmas morning:
Then back up a few days where we had our Christmas down South will all of my family. Nana bought the boys a scooter and Cameron his own trike, which both were and are big hits. Spence loves anything with wheels on it, and Cam is following suite. It wasn't nearly enough time visiting with everyone, but we made the best of it.
When we returned home, our Elf on the Shelf, Elfie, left the boys a very special Christmas Eve present, which they took no time tearing into. Once Elfie flew back to the North Pole that night, he wouldn't be returning until December of next year. We will miss him until then.

Who knew someone calls you Jenny? Adorable shots of the boys and how lucky about Mr. and Mrs Claus???The heart bokeh trick is clever.