October 2, 2013

It's cool

Another summer has come and gone. It's funny how at the end of each summer, I'm always so anxious for nicer fall weather. The end of our Florida summers are brutally hot so change is usually much needed. I'm so happy to report that it's here... Fall, that is. One of my favorite seasons. Not only does it start to cool off, but it means it's time to gather all of our fall and winter decorations. We were decorated for Halloween by the last weekend in September, and I cant wait for Thanksgiving and Christmas. The boys are both really into the decorations this year. Spencer walks around the house saying "Hawwoween Ewerywhere", as he has his arm up in the air pointing it around the house.

I've been a terrible blogger, but it's because I've been so busy. Busy spending a ton of time outside to enjoy the nice weather, and busy preparing for an upcoming trip to N.C. We'll be in the mountains for six days then return only to drive down south to celebrate Cameron's FIRST!!! Birthday. Out of town party planning, mixed with ensuring the four of us are properly prepared for a trip, and packing us all, followed by being a full-time worker, mom and wife.... I would hope I'm excused :)

Our summer wrap-up. Until next year...

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