So, there comes a time in an infants life where all the singing, shhhh'ing, rocking, bouncing, walking and sound machines, (basically all of your wild cards), no longer work when it comes time to get baby to sleep.
Now is definitely one of those times!
It doesn't matter whether we're trying for our morning or afternoon nap, bedtime, or 4 am wakes ups. Getting Cameron to sleep has been a battle lately. A battle I'm losing at terribly.
Instead, this active and silly baby wants to play.all.the.damn.time. He wants to screech and sing so everyone in the house knows he's there. He wants to eat my face or neck. He wants to blow raspberries. He wants to grab my hair, nose, or anything he can grip. All while i'm walking, bouncing, rocking him. I'm trying so hard to cherish these moments, even if they're not most favorable, but all I keep reciting in my head is based off a popular book titled, "Go The F*ck to Sleep" :)
Something else you can repeat to yourself is: this too shall pass, which got me through many a meltdown!
ReplyDeleteah yes, it will all pass. I can deal with a lot, but when it's sleep time, something's gotta give :)