July 12, 2013

Cameron ~ 8 months

Guess what present you received on your 8 month birthday??? Two bottom teeth!!! They popped through on the day. That explains the fussiness you've been giving us. You're also full-on crawling now. You're everywhere and even pulling yourself up on everything. All you want to do is stand and attempt to walk. You're giving your mom gray hair as she's typing this. You're also using a ton of new sounds. We even think you've been saying "Hey" and "Ma". A couple of baby firsts this month include your graduation from the sink tub to the big boy bath. You and Spence have been splish splashing around. Your parents also started letting you sit in a high chair when we eat out. You're growing so rapidly!
You love to eat puffs, cheese, yogurt and crackers. You also know how to drink out of a straw.
Your favorite things right now are the keyboard and microphone. You enjoy music as much as Spence does, and even like to sing and booty shake!

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  1. Replies
    1. I know, make it stop! E is right behind him :o/

  2. Playing catch up I see! He's a living doll!

    1. You know how that goes with two busy little ones :)
